Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bastards Grindin Me Down

G-D it, I finally found an internet cafe close to my house, which is great and costs even less than the one downtown. The downside is they don't have any Mac computers, so I can't upload my blog files. Here are the highlights:
I'm giving weekly English classes at the JCC, starting next tuesday.
My first lecture at the American Center is on October 15. I'll be talking about my one true love, American rock music (the Beatles will probably make their way in too).
My schedule at the Ped Institute is finally complete and regular. Moreover, the students are really enjoying our sessions together. More kids show up every time, and one student even articulated how nice it is to be able to talk freely with someone who's more or less a teacher.
If you google "Abbichka," you get a link to a Phil Spector website.
There's an episode of the Russian "Married with Children" called "Prevyed, Medvyed!" Way to go John Lurie!
I bought postcards, so if I don't already have your address, give it here.
Almost done with "Don Quixote." I'll miss that crazy bastard.
Ok my darlings. If you're reading this, that means I love and miss you.
Peace I'm out.


petty pace said...

She's BACK! And feisty as ever!

Unknown said...


Your dad directed me to your blog, and I read all the entries in one sitting. It is just as charming and funny as I would expect of you. And so illuminating... I never honestly ever thought of your dad as resembling Alec Guinness. But whenever I see Bob Balaban in a movie, your dad is all I can think of. Ah, the blind love of a daughter...

I have a friend in St. Petersburg that I think you would enjoy meeting. She is in the general vicinity of your age and speaks native Russian and startlingly fluent English. I will send her a link to your blog, and if she is able, perhaps she may send you a message and you can establish a correspondence.

If you have the time or inclination to send an e-mail, you can reach me at


Chris D'Amico

Tash said...

Greetings Abbie,

I am sorry to be so familiar, but Christopher gave only your first name. I trust it is acceptable to you that I also read your blog. I understand it is really for the satisfaction of your family and friends. I found it to be lovely and humorous.

Please forgive my poor language skills. I hope you understand my trepidation about writing to a teacher of American English. I wish only to welcome you to our country. It seems my fellow countrymen are being hospitable. I am sure that will continue.

There are many beautiful things to see in Russia. Please continue to be inquisitive and adventurous. Of course I believe St Petersburg to be the most stunning of our cities. There is much history and spirit worth exploring.

Cheers Tash