Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thank You: Addendum

Remembered a funny incident on my run.  Generally, I avoid eye contact
with other pedestrians, especially when I'm running/rocking out to my
invisible music.  But today I couldn't help noticing a particular
individual crossing my path, because he looked exactly like David
Polster, the best teacher I ever had who wasn't actually my teacher.
He returned my gaze, so for a minute I thought, "Yeah, maybe Mr.
Polster came to Russia, to my city, to my very street, without telling
me."  But then he started motioning like he, too, was about to break
into a run and cracked up.  Anyway, that's one of the nice things
about having mostly Jewish friends: you can come to Russia, and
strangers will look familiar.

1 comment:

Rage said...

Amazing! Hilarious! Polster...