Monday, August 25, 2008

Ants in my Pants. Literally.

Right at this very moment, I'm feeling a little frustrated with Kiev.  First of all, the pollution is wreaking havoc with my skin and I can't find my preferred dermatological products.  Then, I joined some friends for a picnic in the park, but was immediately covered with bugs, the feeling of which I just can't lose.  Finally, I really feel like going for a run, but there's no gym in the hotel and I'm too scared to jog around the city.   Obviously, I don't know my way around, but even if I just ran around the same block, there are so many people and stray dogs, I would constantly be excusing myself.  And of course, since it is so bustling, it wouldn't be prudent to put on my iPod, so it would be up to me to keep a steady rhythm, and who can trust her?  Her who?  Her me.  There is one boy with whom I could go running, but he's playing basketball now, so I highly doubt he'll want to run with me later.  Anyway, he's a former track star, meaning he probably goes much faster and farther than me.  So, just to recap, right now I'm feeling acne-ridden, bug-infested and fat.  I guess it's not really all Kiev's fault, but I've got no one else to blame.

Well friends, I guess I'll go take a second shower to wash off these imaginary insects.  Speaking of which, there was a fire a few days ago in Cafe Kafka...

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