Thursday, August 7, 2008

Off and running

Is this all there is?  Apparently.

Welcome to my blog.  This is meant to be the public journal (as opposed to my Laura Palmer-style secret diary) of my year in Ekaterinburg.  Right now I am in my bedroom in Beachwood, Ohio, doing what I can to prepare for my departure in just under two weeks.  That preparation so far includes burning a lot of cd's and movies on to my computer and thinking about how poorly I speak Russian.  I did start packing, but my sweaters alone took up a whole suitcase.  And I left out all my junky favorite ones!  I'm trying to turn my wardrobe from child-like to lady-like.  As if!

So let's leave this first post as an open invitation.  If anyone has advice about living abroad, teaching English, blogging or anything else, give it here.  Help a Buckeye out.


Ali K. said...

Oh man, I'm jealous you're going abroad. I wish I were back in the UK. I kept a blog in Scotland, but I haven't much advice on it, except to keep a paper journal with you at ALL times so you can remember everything you want to post when you get back to your computer. I'm excited to keep up with this!

Adam said...

Pack everything that you want to bring.

Then remove five articles of clothing.

Then remove another five.

You are going to buy clothes, inevitably. And also, inevitably, you are going to have too much crap to comfortably bring home with you. So I say head your future self off at the pass and ditch some of those clothes that you really, really like but you know you're not actually going to wear.

"But Adam!" I can hear you objecting, "I simply can't leave home without my
-hoodie with a cute ladybug pattern
-tight yellow pants with patched ass
-turquoise patent leather shoes!"

Yes you can. And you must. For any other way madness lies, my Abbichka.


s.t.o. said...

I'm going to pack my clothes in those vacuum bags to try to take up less room hopefully that'll work, but for now everything's on my floor.

Mollysdaddy said...

Do they have good pizza in Siberia? If not, I would suggest asking Mama Santas if they would deliver for a small fee

wendy weil said...

attention all i have abbies cell phone so keep it clean i am the mom and not very techno savy