Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kiev's Outdoor Museum

Oh my oh my.  What a beautiful city this Kiev is.  It's an incredible mixture of ancient, Soviet and modern architecture, almost all of which is beautiful.  I can't wait to really explore, go to cathedrals and museums like the Bulgakov House.  Plus, Ukrainian isn't that hard to understand, except they do have some different letters in their alphabet, like "i" which might be pronounced "o."  Today we went to a very cheesy "Outdoor Museum," which is kind of like an American "colonial village."  That's where I took the picture of the windmill (or is it a giant?).  It was kind of silly, but very nice that Fulbright takes us on fun, non-business excursions.  They also cancelled our orientation session for the morning after Independence Day, so that night we can party fairly hearty.  
Down the street from our hotel is a cafe called Kafka which offers free internet if you buy any old thing on the menu.  Thus, I am on my second Heineken.  I'm no lush, I'm just working through the jet lag.  Else I'd have been asleep by 4 pm.  Also, during this orientation we have to take care of our own lunches and dinners, but we don't have access to a kitchen or even a fridge, so I'll probably be here plenty.  Incidentally, in Ukrainian, blini are called "mlintsi."  Who knew?
Well that's about all I got.  I miss my home, family, friends and cat (just the one, not Aboogaty), but, in the wise words of Degrassi, "I know I can make it through."


zak said...

Sounds awesome! Have some gross chicken for me. I look forward to reading more posts, take care Sis!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, have you tried a "mlinets" yet? I hope you are sleeping now so that things won't continue to seem so surreal when Wednesday comes. If not, just keep your Degrassi spirit up, and think, "what would Dennis do?" Can't wait to hear how things are going.

Anonymous said...

dear ah-bitch-kah,

transmissions from tivoli. dennis wilson spotted (beardless). no hot european men who are not gay. hippie sightings in saugerties. cats on piles of things. we are listening to one of three hundred new girl group while crying over lost love and love never found. songs courtesy of jean luc, but not the heartbreak. (where does j find all the men?).

ailey is chugging through season 2 of the simpsons. maida is chugging beer.

stomach aches courtesy of michael's diner in kingston and a deep longing for your love.
