Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Quick One While He's Away

Dear Comrades,
After a quick battle with a sore throat, I'm feeling all better. It certainly helped to take the day off work. I made chicken soup, watched "The Great Escape," read 1/2 of a stupid book about American English and, what helped me the most, called home. It made me feel so much better to hear my parents' voices, and I hope I didn't worry them by sounding hoarse. The point of this post is to let you, Mom and Dad, know that I'm fully recovered. It also didn't hurt that I took a sleeping pill and after two nights of only 4 hours' of sleep, I was out for a full 12 hours.

Now I've gotta run for my first class with 3rd year students, in which I'm helping them do their methodology projects, a term I barely understand. The topic is winter holidays in America so I get to teach the Bible as Literature, while dreams of Bruce Chilton dance in my head.

Oh yeah, about that show I went to on Sunday, my friend/student/rock journalist Masha asked me to write an article for her website, It's my first Russian-language publication, in fact one of my first publications ever. Bitchin'.


zak said...

ABBBBIE!!! I was looking through your room for a book, but it's all too intellectual for me. I need some easy readings to get me through my valet jobs. Thanks for being such a smarty pants!

Rage said...

Abbie, don't worry. When I go home in Dec. I will raid all your smarty pants books.

Also, I got your letter last night and I have to admit (sniffle) it made me a wee bit teary eyed just opening it. It made me think of when you left for Bard.

Anywho, I really want to write you back! How in the world do I do that? Can I just copy the return address? Will that get it to you? Let me know pleeeeeaaaase!!!

Miss you to tears!
