Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rock Rock Rock n Roll Pedagogical Institute

Hey friends (my but that feels nicer than “Dear Diary”). It’s the middle of October, it’s snowing, I’ve been here about a month and a half and am feeling groovy. Today I gave my lecture at the American Center on the history of Rock n Roll. From my notes I didn’t think I’d be able to fill up the two-hour time slot, but actually I ran out of time before I even got through the eighties! Still, I managed to end my presentation with Josh Goldberg/Double Murder Suicide’s “Ballad of Eddie Guerrero” and the message that in the 21st century, everyone has the power to be a rock star. My Mac-version PowerPoint didn’t work, so it was a good thing I remembered to put JPEGs of the musicians on my flash (please note: that is the most technologically sophisticated sentence I’ve ever written). The turn-out was amazing; a ton of my students came, plus a dozen or so people I didn’t know, including a local journalist. The American Center staff asked me for next time to warn them how many people would come, because tonight they barely had enough chairs. I think everyone really enjoyed it, hopefully as much as I did. When the lecture was over, an older gentleman came up to me and gave me a CD of his son’s band, Dead Alice. It doesn’t look like my cup of chai, but I’ve never been a girl to turn down a free CD. Plus it came with a bonus pin! Also one of my students gave me a flash drive full of music, including a really good Russian indie band that’s playing here this weekend. I feel like Don Quixote, getting ready to go out on his first sally. Let’s hope mine doesn’t end with a drubbing!

In other news, I paid my second month’s rent. I had agreed to meet with my landlords sometime tonight after seven, so I figured they would call me then. Inopportunely, I forgot my cellphone at home today, so when I came home a little after seven-thirty, my houseguest Katie was outside the door waiting. My landlords had come and gone, leaving a huge bag of garden-fresh produce for me. They were very understanding when I called them, came back and were politely bemused when I didn’t understand the extra money they wanted. “It’s your money,” they kept saying, “for our safety.” Eventually I realized it was a security deposit and paid it happily. When they left, having met Katie, they asked if there would be another ETA here next year who might want this apartment. How’s that for a show of confidence? I can’t overemphasize the rarity in Russia, or anywhere for that matter, of such respectful, helpful, kind-hearted landlords, and what a difference it makes.

Tomorrow I don’t have class until the late afternoon. I have a second class in the evening, but thinking I was going to the ballet, I got a real teacher to substitute. Now it turns out the ballet was sold-out, so I think I’d better show up to class because I might get tickets for another Thursday. I’ve already made a bad impression on this teacher by not being where I was expected. Which is worse, to be flip-flopper or a total flake? I just hope I didn’t lie and tell her I already had the tickets... I guess we’ll never know.


wendy weil said...

I can imagine how fun the rock and roll lecture was for all involved. "Abbichka Abbichka" a young woman's journey from Ohio to Ekat...who play me in the movie Love Ya

Dave B in DC said...

Hey Abby - It's Dave Bellard here. Your dad hipped me to your blog. Great stuff. I love the stories! That is so amazing that you are living in Russia, giving lectures, hobnobbing with oligarchs, etc. Can you post pictures to your blog? I would love to see what if anything remains of the old soviet architecture. From what I read, not much. When I was in Beijing, there was little to tell that it was still a Communist country. In fact, Mao has become something of a national symbol of kitsch. So I linked your blog to my website - I blog on the data page of it: Are you on Facebook?

Have fun and talk to you soon

DFT said...

This comment is completely unrelated to the post but I've been waiting all day to write you. I substituted at Agnon today and guess who was in my afternoon guessed it, one Miss Molly! Even though I haven't seen her since she was much younger I recognized her right away from her hair. Oy, is that one a handful. I told her I knew you, and she insisted that you are her sister and she has a brother Zak and a cat named Luke. Funny, she didn't mention Aboogity at all. But it looks like someone considers herself a member of the Weil family.
Looking forward to getting that post card!

petty pace said...

You're fast becoming an international sensation. Just promise you'll save me the movie rights.

zak said...

do they watch wrestling in Russia?

mattn said...

Really good Russian indie band? Do they have a name? I thought Russian kids only listened to Linkin Park...